Thursday, May 31, 2012

MH Eats Pat LaFriedas Secrets To The Ultimate Steak

Let me tell you something you may not know. You know those guys behind the meat counter at your local supermarket? The guys shoveling briskets, T-bones, and porterhouses onto the shelves? Those guys aren’t butchers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calls these employees “meat cutters,” in charge of trimming and packaging proteins for retail sale. Now, look, there’s nothing wrong with a profession as a meat cutter. But a good butcher can offer you so much more. A good butcher can inform you of where the meat comes from, how it was raised, and the best way to cook it to perfection.

And a butcher like Pat LaFrieda, owner of Pat LaFrieda Wholesale Meat Purveyors and face of Food Network’s Meat Men, well, the wisdom he carries from the years he’s spent turning his New York/New Jersey butchery operation into a nationwide empire can change your life.

We asked Pat to take us on a tour of his three favorite steakhouses in Manhattan. He happily obliged, selecting steaks that he thought represented the three components of the ultimate steak. And then we ate. Well.

Steal these steakhouse secrets and grill up better steak all summer long.


Via: MH Eats Pat LaFriedas Secrets To The Ultimate Steak