Wednesday, May 23, 2012

BBQ Ribs Wisdom From Memphis in May

There's a foul myth running rampant in the land of barbecue, and it goes like this: A perfect rib is one in which the protein's grip on the bone is so weak that you can jostle it loose with a feeble shake of the wrist. It's a blasphemous rumor, and it's turning otherwise fine ribs to soft mush.

The man to trust in this matter is Chris Lilly, executive chef of Big Bob Gibson Bar-B-Q in Decatur, Alabama.  Lilly's barbecue has received dozens of awards, not the least of which are three grand champion trophies from Memphis in May. So what does he say about rib tenderness? If the meat shakes from the bone like buttered noodles slipping through a pair of loosely held chopsticks, then it’s overcooked. "Anybody can leave ribs in the smoker until they fall off the bone," he says. "But that's just not what you want."

A properly cooked rib, he says, has just the slightest resistance when you bite in. It's not entirely submissive. It's not a meal for the toothless. Yes it should be tender, moist, and buttery, but by no means should it have the consistency of warm porridge.

So, the next time you barbecue ribs, here's how you test for doneness: Place your thumb on the end of one bone and your pointer finger on the end of a neighboring bone. Slowly push the bones apart so that the meat holding them together tears. If it’s springy like rubber, your ribs aren't ready, but if it splits with zero effort—or if the meat's too soft to even stand for the test—then your ribs are overcooked. Throw them away and start again.

I’m kidding. Eat the damn ribs and enjoy them. Next time you’ll pull them 20 minutes earlier.


Via: BBQ Ribs Wisdom From Memphis in May